Tas Systems is a component based plant modeller for air and water side systems.
The Tas Systems module (TPD) includes a project wizard which users can use to create a range of typical setups. The prepared airside systems include fancoils, VAV systems, chilled beams, and baseline systems for 90.1 versions 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Waterside systems available through the wizard include CHP and ground source systems.
Fully editable, fully customisable
Systems can be edited as required to match the real-life setup or to test different potential designs. The component library contains a wide range of equipment with fully editable properties.
Systems created through the wizard can be edited, for example to remove components or add new ones from the library, for example to add humidification to a system. In addition, every component has editable properties and custom profiles can be applied to many of these properties, to control the equipment behaviour based on one or more variables. For example the efficiency of a component can be changed under different air conditions.

Create and control bespoke systems
TPD has fully customisable control logic, enabling a wide range of component behaviours to be modelled – equipment operation can be governed according to signals sent from elsewhere in the system.
Even very complex systems can be modelled step by step, the user can also easily tweak their designed systems in whichever way they like and compare results. Customised systems can be added to the library for use on future projects.

Coordinate your project
Tas Systems is fully integrated with the other components of the Tas package, taking imports from the Tas results file (TSD), to read in zone heating and cooling loads. Results can be imported from multiple TSD files allowing different users working on different sections of a site to then merge their results together before working on the plant.
Reports can be generated once the system file has been simulated, these can be created in either PDF format or as an Excel spreadsheet. The report generator is a great way for the user to extract the desired results over the time period of interest, whether this be annual, monthly, daily or hourly in an easily interpreted and accessible format.

And much more…
Other features of Tas Systems include:- Import manufacturer data to components
- Assisted calculation of component efficiencies for 90.1 baseline systems
- View results on schematic, in graphs, or tabular format