Tas and ASHRAE 90.1
140-1 compliant software for 90.1 versions 2007-2016
Tas Engineering includes a 90.1 studio which keeps all your project files in one place.
In addition the studio contains tools for generating baseline building geometry and lighting gains (for 90.1 versions 2007 and 2010).
Tas is compliant with ASHRAE 140-1 (2014, 2007, and 2004).
Tas is a qualified 179D software for Tax deductions.

Baseline Systems Generated and Efficiencies Calculated

Tas Systems (TPD) contains a wizard which can generate baseline airside systems and waterside heating and cooling systems (for 90.1 versions 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016).
TPD also contains tools for calculating efficiencies for baseline equipment based on sized capacity, fuel type, climate zone, etc.
These tools automate the process of setting efficiencies for fans, heat exchangers, boilers, chillers, and heat pumps. The calculated efficiencies are displayed clearly to the user.